About Me

I’m a university student studying Mass Communications and I simply adore the Regency period and Jane Austen! I fell in love with the Regency period when I first saw Pride and Prejudice in 2006. Since then, I’ve come to love everything about it and as a natural consequence, began to research the history and the nuances of 19th century life in England. I have an obsession for old-fashioned things and love collecting antique/vintage items, be them clothes, jewelry or ornaments! I also love period dramas, especially ones produced by the BBC.

I've always been fascinated by this time period, especially the manners, morals-and the clothes! This blog will cover all aspects of life back then, with a particular focus on fashion. I feel like there's so much the 21st century can learn from the 'good old days' and I hope my blog will help to spread the love among devotees and generate new interest in this bygone era.